Solomon Perkins

Sharing my opinions on the things I find valuable.

What is the purpose of this blog?

⊗ Nov 11, 2016 | read time: 1 min

"The Blog" Reference: Pexels

Brace yourself…

Yes I am really doing this!

The internet is full of professional writers, so why bother? Well for starters we all have our own path to follow and life stories to tell and I am willing to share mine. Sharing some of my experiences my help someone get over their hurdle(s). Besides the point, you’ll never stop learning, so let us do this then - time to take the plunge. The interesting thing is that the thought of doing a blog has been pounding in my head for sometime now. So with that said, I am just scratching that itch.

To be fair, I am not a professional blogger. I’m merely using this platform to grow, learn and share interesting facts not only about my life by also of others.

While I am scratching my itch, I am hoping to share life stories and information I personally find to be of significant value. Knowing the information is one thing, but expressing it to someone other than yourself may be a different thing. It will be a challenge, but I’m curious to know what I do and don’t know :), and as Albert Einstein once said:

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

So enjoy and feel free to reach out and provide feedback.


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