Solomon Perkins

Sharing my opinions on the things I find valuable.

Gratefulness is Flowing From My Heart 🎶

⊗ Jul 22, 2018 | read time: 10 min

"Gratefulness" Reference: Gratefulness Photo

Be Grateful for what you have.

That is a popular phrase I heard from my father while growing up in the country area. He would repeat this simple statment irrespective of the situation and I’ve grown up to see its value and impact in my life.

Being grateful is a powerful state of mind, but we often fail to realise the importance of practising this simple act. We are conditioned to focus on the challenges steering us in the face and that often limit our ability to acknowledge and appreciate previous accomplishments. I believe showing gratitude is something we should all do.

The Challenging Environment

There is so much to be grateful for. In all aspect of life and despite our socio-economic condition there is always a glimmer of hope.

However, we are being bombarded by the daily challenges making it difficult to see the clear skies. Day-in-day-out we go through the regular routines of life without appreciating how fortunate & #blessed we are. To add insult to injury we are constantly being bombarded by negative news from the media or community members.

For starters, having an understanding & appreciation of what you’ve accomplished should become part of the routine irrespective of your circumstances. It is often said that we are being conditioned to focus on the never-ending challenges of life. Which keep on coming one after the other - Jimmy Cliff style - and you are expected to be on your “A” game at all times.

I’m Grateful For Life, Family & Challenges

“At least I’m alive.”, that is a phrase you’ll hear from me during the good and bad times. Having gone through different challenges, that simple phrase helps me take comfort in the fact that all is not lost. To keep this post short, here are a few general things I’m grateful for:

Life: “Once there is life, there is hope”. That is a powerful phrase we often hear, which highlights the value of life and the human spirit to rise above any challenge. I’ve woke up in my right mind every day for the past 29 years that alone is something I appreciate daily. But here are a few things about life I’m grateful for:

  • opportunity to experience different life challenges
  • opportunity to use my life as a testimony
  • the freedom to choose my dreams and pursue them

Side note: having shared birthday with two of the most amazing human beings: The great Nelson Mandela and Richard Branson is the something to be grateful for. Net-net I’m extremely happy to be alive.

Family: there is nothing like family - good family. Having a group of people (blood/non-blood related) you can lean on during the good and the bad times is a goal we all seek. My family supports and care for me through the various stages of my life and I’m forever grateful to be a part of this group of amazing people. They always care, not to say it was always smooth, but the love and care they show helped me to become a better person.

Challenges: most folks might find this odd, but I am truly grateful for all the lessons and achievements & failures which came as a result of them. In the past, I would complain while facing new challenges but now I’ve come to appreciate the benefits and lessons I’ve learnt throughout the process. Today I’ve conquered that fear and now look forward to new and grater things. Besides growth is always outside your comfort zone so embracing the hardship has proven to be an excellent way of driving personal development.

The Benefits of Gratitude

Based on a research done by Robert Emmons, expressing gratitude improves our mental, physical and psychological well being. The research further highlights a few benefits such as greater optimism, improve self-esteem, improve energy levels. expand capacity for forgiveness, strengthen the immune system and reduce blood pressure.

This clearly highlights the importance of fostering a positive mindset and the potential impact on your well-being. Are you motivated by these results? Well developing this mindset is not difficult, the requirements are a few repetitive tasks:

  • On a daily basis think of three things you’re grateful for.
  • Document each item in a journal.
  • Share your notes with someone you are famillar with.
  • Say thank you more often.

Training the brain to think more positive thoughts may not be an easy task. Being bombarded with constant negativity on a daily basis, whether from the media or your neighbour, makes the process more challenging. The solution is simple: think positive thoughts. Your thoughts have the power to shape your brain, with that said focusing on positive thoughts will result in a forward outlook and life. Remeber your thoughts become words and your words become actions. So let us all develop a culture of gratitude. From today and onwards take a few minutes out of your day and think about something that you’re greatful for and make a note of them.

So today, what are you grateful for?

Tags gratefulness life birthday happy